
Contract Number: WLS272

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Contract Expiration: 2/3/2021

Candace Stump
Director of Partnerships, North America
Phone: 707.364.7567

Trial Accounts and New Subscriptions

Technical Support

Product Description:

Mangahigh is an internationally acclaimed, games-based math program serving over 5,000 schools worldwide.

K-HS Standards-Aligned Challenges: Prodigi and Games

Mangahigh offers 2 types of challenges. Prodigi is sets of questions and Games are arcade-style games.In each type of challenge, students construct understanding at their own pace in an adaptive environment. Simultaneous personalized learning ensures that each student is continuously working within their Zone of Proximal Development in a rigorous, non-threatening environment.

Prodigi Challenges - Each Prodigi contains 10 questions. Students work at their own pace through increasingly complex levels. Pre-game tutorials and in-game hints scaffold learning and students receive feedback throughout Prodigi play. Response types include multiple correct answers, drag-and-drop, etc., to mirror next-generation assessment types. Feedback and stepped-out solutions are displayed at the end of each Prodigi. Each Prodigi contains 10 questions. When 3 questions in a row are answered correctly, the student levels up. When 2 questions in a row are answered incorrectly, the student moves down one level. Subsequent attempts begin at the ending level of the previous attempt. Performance is reported as a medal level that reflects mastery at different levels of complexity.

Game Challenges - Mangahigh is the only games-based mathematics program that provides rigorous content in an arcade-style learning environment. Students of all ability levels experience success through adaptive differentiation, in-game hints, and tutorials. English learners are supported through extensive use of graphics and intuitive game interfaces.

Recommended Challenges - Recommended lists contain extensions and remediation based on demonstrated understanding. Recommended challenges provide just-in-time learning to each student. Students' confidence increase as they experience success with personalized learning topics.

Mangahigh Program Reviews - Common Sense Media reviewed Mangahigh in 2016 and has shared 19 teacher reviews dating back to 2014. You'll find several user-developed lesson plans and teaching strategies on their website as well.

WLS Schools Receive Discounts on Student Subscriptions and Professional Learning Sessions

Student Subscriptions and
Professional Learning Sessions

Cost to WLS Schools
Discount Level and Price Listed

12 Month Site License, Unlimited Number of Students and Teachers $3,000 (20% Discount Applied)
1 Kickoff Training Webinar No Cost to WLS Schools
1 Full-Day, Customized Professional Learning Session $1,800 (10% WLS Discount Applied)
1 Hour, Customized Professional Learning Webinar $500 (50% WLS Discount Applied)


These products were competitively bid.