RFP Information

Active RFP Opening

Come back soon for the next RFP!

In order for the Washington Learning Source (WLS) to be of service to districts by enabling them to piggyback off our RFPs, the WLS will submit competitive RFPs for products that would not be considered sole source providers. The WLS has entered or will in the future enter into inter-local purchasing agreements with school districts pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW. These purchasing agreements allow other educational organizations to make purchases at the WLS’s accepted contract price.

The WLS will receive sealed responses in writing for products. Responses will be opened and name of responses will be read aloud to all who attend the RFP opening, which will take place according to the announced scheduled specified on the bid documents.

Responses received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered.

Responders may download RFP specifications, forms and the full text of the Request for Proposals at the WEBS site at http://www.ga.wa.gov/webs/ (search on Puget Sound ESD)

Responders may also obtain specs and electronic forms by contacting:

Audrey Ata, Purchasing and Contracts Administrator
Puget Sound ESD
800 Oakesdale Ave SW
Renton, WA 98057
Phone: 425-917-7783
E-Mail: purchasingoffice@psesd.org

Cooperative Purchase

This RFP and contract will be made available for use by other educational organizations, including but not limited to school districts, state schools and institutions, educational service districts/agencies/centers, colleges and universities, and the state departments of education, all in Washington.

No responder may withdraw his/her response after the hour set for the opening thereof, or thereafter, before award of the Contract, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days from the RFP opening date.

The WLS reserves the right to reject any or all responses, and to accept only such responses as may be to the WLS’s best interests.

All RFP documents can be found at http://www.ga.wa.gov/webs/.

These resources are provided as a service of the WLS and is not intended to be an all inclusive list or endorsement by the WLS. Every effort is made to provide resource sites that are appropriate for students, parents and educators, however the WLS is not responsible for content found on the sites. In most cases, resource descriptions are direct quotes from their Web site.