Rosetta Stone
Contract Number: WLS292
Contract Expiration Date: 9/2/2025
Nation Account Manager | K-12 Education
Phone: 540-236-7622
Product Description:
Early enrichment, English Language Learning (ELL), Gifted and Talented, before/after school programs, adult ed/adult ELL, professional language development (faculty, staff), special education, dual language immersion, world/foreign language expansion, high school language classes, summer programs, credit recovery/intervention, online/virtual schools.
To view the End User License Agreement (EULA), go here.
For product/service pricing, please reach out to this solution provider with the contact information given at the top of this page.
If the Solution Provider (vendor) performs Public Work services, the customer is responsible for including the required provisions on procurement side-of business.
These products were competitively bid.
Government Customers can find the RFP documents on Washington’s Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) website.
WLS Providers
- Language Acquisition Software (RFP 1818-52)
- English Language Arts Classroom Tools (RFP 1818-53)
- Digital Math Tools (RFP 1818-54)
- Safety Products and Services (RFP 1818-55 and RFP 1818-58)
- Debt & Lease Management Software/Services (RFP 1818-56)
- Classroom Display & Audio Technology (RFP 1818-57)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education (RFP 1818-61)